
Help with eSurvey

1. What is eSurvey?

eSurvey is the Swiss National Bank’s online reporting system via which reporting institutions can submit statistical data to the SNB.

With eSurvey, data is transmitted via a secure channel (https). SSL encryption ensures that the recipient of the reports is the SNB and that they cannot be viewed by third parties.

1.1. Technical requirements

eSurvey is supported by the following browsers/versions. Earlier versions have not been tested.

Fig. 1: Supported browsers

























Safari, iPad



Android (Chrome)



1.2. What does eSurvey offer?

The options available to users depend on the type of account (cf. 8.1. Types of account) and the responsibilities allocated.

1.2.1. Submitting statistical data using the preset delivery formats

This online reporting system allows users to upload and submit their reports for the surveys for which they are responsible using preset delivery formats. Users receive email updates on the processing status of their reports. The required forms and formats are available in eSurvey and on our website (https://emi.snb.ch/en/emi).

1.2.2. Entering statistical data using web tables

For certain surveys, eSurvey offers a web-based reporting tool (web tables) which displays the information to be reported and allows users to enter, check and submit their data. This tool is described under ‘Understanding and testing surveys’ (cf. also 1.2.3. Understanding and testing surveys and 7. Understanding and testing surveys).

Statistical data are submitted in the preset delivery formats or entered into web tables under the ‘Reports’ menu item (cf. chapter 4. Reports).

1.2.3. Understanding and testing surveys

When a new or revised survey is announced, information on that survey will be provided in this section of the website, together with the specifications for the different delivery formats. Reports for the available surveys can be tested here in all the formats offered for the respective survey, and checks are made for compliance with the delivery format specifications and for consistency of the data reported.

This test function is currently only available for surveys conducted using web tables. It is to be extended to the other surveys in due course. More information on this subject can be found under 7. Understanding and testing surveys.

1.2.4. Account information (‘My profile’)

eSurvey users can view their account information saved in eSurvey, such as contact details and responsibilities. They can also change their own login details themselves here and find information on who in their company, as administrator, is in charge of managing contact details and responsibilities (cf. 3. My profile).

1.2.5. Creating administration accounts

Executive management can create new administration accounts here when a company is required to report data for the first time (cf. 8.1.1. Executive management accounts).

1.2.6. User administration

Reporting institutions can use the user administration functions to manage contacts and their access to eSurvey. Administrators set up by executive management manage the reporting institution’s access to eSurvey in the user administration. They create, change or delete contacts, give contacts access rights to eSurvey, and allocate the responsibilities for surveys and for the CRF mailbox. Cf. also 8. User administration.

1.2.7. CRF mailbox

The SNB uses the eSurvey online reporting system for the exchange of data in connection with the SNB COVID-19 refinancing facility (CRF). Dedicated mailboxes are provided for this (cf. 9. CRF mailbox).

Cf. also section 3 of the Technical instructions on the web page SNB COVID-19 refinancing facility (CRF).

2. Access to eSurvey

2.1. Login

Logging into eSurvey is via user ID and password.

2.2. Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Access to a personal eSurvey account is secured via two-factor authentication (2FA) using an mTAN process. This process also enables users to reset a forgotten password themselves at any time.

An email address and a mobile phone number must be provided for 2FA. Unless the mobile phone number entered on login has already been provided to the SNB for other purposes, it will be used by the SNB exclusively for the mTAN process. It will not be used for queries or for any other purposes, and will also not be passed on to third parties. Furthermore, the number will not be visible to other individuals in the same company (such as administrators). This ensures that privacy is protected at all times, even if personal mobile phone numbers are used.

2.3. Changing login details

Passwords, email addresses and mobile phone numbers for 2FA can be changed under ‘My profile’. Cf. 3.3. Settings.

2.4. Forgotten login details

2FA allows users to reset their password themselves. Users can find their user ID under ‘My profile’ in eSurvey. If you have forgotten your user ID, you can log in using your email address and password, and then view your user ID under ‘My profile’ in eSurvey. This alternative of logging in using your email address is not possible if it is registered with several accounts.

2.5. Master login

Administrators who manage users from several companies can do so using one account. Please contact us at www.snb.ch, Surveys/Contacts and tell us which companies you wish to manage under one account. If you already hold accounts for several companies, please also tell us which should be the master.

3. My profile

The tabs under ‘My profile’ vary depending on the type of account (cf. 8.1. Types of account). For example, the executive management account has no ‘Responsibilities’ tab.

Fig. 2: My profile

Das Profil

3.1. Contact data

Under the ‘Contact data’ tab, you can see the contact details registered for you in eSurvey. If these are no longer correct, please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator yourself, please contact the SNB Service Team. You can find the contact information under the ‘Administration’ tab.

3.2. Responsibilities

Under the ‘Responsibilities’ tab, you can see the surveys for which you are responsible. If these are not correct, or if you are missing a survey or the responsibility for a CRF mailbox, please contact your administrator. You can find their details under the ‘Administration’ tab. Administrators can also assign responsibilities to themselves.

3.3. Settings

Under the ‘Settings’ tab, you can change the password, email address and mobile phone number you use for logging into eSurvey and for resetting your password. These data may differ from those saved under your contact details, which are managed by your administrator.

In order to protect your mobile phone privacy, the mobile number given here will be used exclusively for 2FA. You therefore do not need to have a business mobile phone to use this function.

In the case of an executive management account, the email address entered here is also used for notifications regarding acceptance or rejection of applications to set up administration accounts.

3.4. Administration

Under the ‘Administration’ tab, you can see the contact details of the individuals who manage your account. Please contact one of these individuals if your contact details or responsibilities need to be changed or your account deleted. Administrators can see here the contacts at the SNB who manage their accounts.

4. Reports

Under the ‘Reports’ menu item, users with ‘data provider’ responsibility can submit due reports.

Fig. 3: Navigation bar, Reports menu item

Navigation, Menü Meldungen

4.1. Overview of reporting processes

Under ‘Reports’, users can find an overview of all reporting processes for those surveys for which they are responsible (cf. 8.6. Managing responsibilities).

Tip: Is there a survey missing from your overview? If so, first check in your profile under ‘Responsibilities’ whether you have been allocated responsibility for this survey.

Fig. 4: List of reporting processes

Liste der Meldungsvorgänge

The list can be filtered by entering dates in the ‘from …​’ and ‘to …​’ boxes. Reporting processes from the previous 38 months are available. If necessary, the SNB can change the number displayed for individual surveys.

In the ‘History’ view, processes relating to previously submitted surveys can also be displayed (if multiple reports were submitted when completing a survey).

Fig. 5: History view

Spalten Einreichefrist und Fristverlängerung in der Historie-Ansicht

You can sort lists by clicking on the column titles. If you click on an item in a list, the details will be displayed underneath. Any errors will also be shown there.

The following functions are available under ‘Actions’:

  1. Submitting reports

  2. Correcting an already submitted report

  3. Information on the survey

  4. Under ‘Specifications’ you can download the survey documents for your survey

  5. Details on already submitted reports

4.1.1. Status of reporting processes




No report has been submitted yet

Outstanding (being created)

The web table is being edited

Outstanding (error on submission)

The report has been rejected due to errors


The submission deadline has passed

Overdue (being created)

The submission deadline has passed, the web table is being edited

Overdue (error on submission)

The submission deadline has passed, the report has been rejected due to errors


The report submitted to the SNB

Correction (being created)

The web table is currently being corrected

Correction (error on submission)

The corrected report has been rejected due to errors

4.2. Data models and delivery formats used for reports

The SNB uses two different data models for its surveys – the coordinates-based model and the subject-specific model. The data model used for a survey determines the structure of the delivery formats for transmitting statistical data to the SNB. It is important to note that data for a given survey can only be delivered using the specified data model and associated delivery formats; there are no other alternatives.

Further information on data models and delivery formats can be found on our website at www.snb.ch, Statistics/Surveys/Delivery formats.

4.3. Submitting reports

In the case of surveys for which Excel forms are available as survey documents, reports can be uploaded under ‘Submit report’ in either XLSX (xls) or XML format. The survey documents for this reporting process can be downloaded under the ‘Specifications’ tab.

After submission, an initial automatic check is made of the report’s content and certain technical aspects. The contacts who submitted the report will receive an email informing them whether it has been successfully processed or not. The definitive submission can be viewed for every reporting process under ‘Details’. These details can be viewed by anyone with data provider responsibility. The contacts who submitted the report will be informed by email at a later stage of any consistency errors.

Where web tables are offered for a survey, data can be submitted to the SNB via web tables. Numbers can be edited in the web tables or a previously created CSV or XML file can be uploaded to the web table. A description of how to work with web tables can be found under 7.5. Testing reports (for web tables). Consistency errors can be viewed in the web tables before submission.

Fig. 6: Submitting reports in Excel and XML formats

Meldung einreichen bei Excel- und XML-Formaten

4.4. Web table tool

The reporting tool for web tables can be found under the menu items ‘Reports’ and ‘Understanding and testing surveys’. The functions are the same.

Data can be entered directly in the web tables manually or by uploading from external sources. The XML format is still available for automated data reporting. It is now also possible to download the full survey content or a tailored version as a CSV file. The reports created can be loaded and displayed in web tables, edited where necessary, checked for consistency and finally submitted. The previously used Excel format will no longer be available for surveys based on web tables.

5. XML batch reports

Reports from coordinates-based surveys can be grouped together and submitted in one XML file under the menu item ‘XML batch reports’.

Fig. 7: Submitting XML batch reports

XML-Sammel-Meldung einreichen

The reports will be automatically checked, and the contacts who submitted them will receive an email informing them whether they have been successfully processed or not. The definitive submission can be viewed for every reporting process under ‘Show error’ under the menu item ‘Reports’. These details can be viewed by anyone with data provider responsibility.

Fig. 8: Show error

Details einsehen

6. Comments and documents

Under ‘Comments and documents’, you have the possibility of sending further messages or documents to the SNB.

With this function, the following information can be submitted to the SNB:

  1. information on submitted statistical reports,

  2. documents pertaining to statistical reports which cannot be uploaded via the menu item ‘Submit reports’ (e.g. additional reporting of foreign counterparties).

7. Understanding and testing surveys

Under the menu item ‘Understanding and testing surveys’, new surveys and changes to existing surveys can be tested in advance by reporting institutions and other reporting services providers who support SNB reporting. Reports are checked for compliance with the specifications and for consistency.

The functions for testing reports have been available since 30 September 2022 for the new current account survey (CAS), which uses the web table tool. Further surveys will follow.

Fig. 9: Navigation bar, Understanding and testing surveys menu item

Navigation, Menü Erhebungen verstehen und testen

7.1. Access for reporting services providers who support SNB reporting

Reporting services providers who support reporting institutions in delivering data to the SNB can contact esurvey.support@snb.ch if they would like to test reports in eSurvey. The SNB will create special accounts for reporting services providers to allow them to use the test functionality. Only surveys that are based on web tables can currently be tested in eSurvey.

7.2. List of surveys that can be tested

The list in Fig. 10 gives an overview of all the surveys that are available for testing.

Fig. 10: List of reports that can be tested

Liste der Meldungen, die getestet werden können

For every survey there are notes, the corresponding XML schema, the CSV template containing the key items, and the consistency rules. A new test report can be created directly in the web table, or a CSV or XML file can be uploaded to the web table. These options are available under ‘Actions’ and are described in the following chapters.

7.3. Information

Under ‘Information’, you can find information on the survey, the notes on the survey content, and the ‘Help with eSurvey’ document.

Fig. 11: Information


7.4. Specifications

Under ‘Specifications’, you can download the XML schema for the selected survey as well as the template for the full CSV format (cf. also Exporting the full, blank survey in CSV format). The consistency rules for the survey are also available here.

Further information on delivery formats can be found in Help with delivery formats.

Fig. 12: List of delivery format specifications for downloading

Übersicht Spezifikationen zu Lieferformaten beziehen

7.5. Testing reports (for web tables)

If you would like to create a new report, begin by selecting ‘Start with a blank report’.

If a report has already been saved, the data in the web tables will be deleted. You will see a confirmation dialog asking you if you are sure you want to delete the existing content.

Fig. 13: Test report, start with a blank report

Meldung testen, mit leerer Meldung beginnen

If you already have a report saved, you can reuse it by selecting ‘Continue with an existing report’. This option is only available if the web table already has content. An information message shows when the table was last saved and by whom.

Fig. 14: Test report, continue with an existing report

Meldung testen, mit bestehender Meldung weiterfahren

Select ‘Use your own XML or CSV file’ if you wish to upload data in such a file. If you have already saved a web table, the available table including the data it contains will be overwritten. You will see a confirmation dialog asking you if you are sure you want to delete the existing content.

Fig. 15: Test report, use your own XML or CSV file

Meldung testen, Eigene XML- oder CSV-Datei verwenden

Once you have selected the appropriate option, you can start working with the table.

If a user is working on a web table, it is blocked for all other users. You will see a message informing you that you cannot currently edit the table, but have the option of opening a read-only version.

7.6. Web tables

7.6.1. Structure of web tables

The web tables have a menu on the left, and at the top a navigation bar which takes you through the various tables. It is marked in red at the top on the right that you are in the test environment.

Fig. 16: Structure of web tables

Aufbau der Webtabellen

7.6.2. Menu

On the left you will find a menu with the items ‘Save’, ‘Export (CSV)’, ‘Information’, ‘Help’ and ‘Close’.

Fig. 17: Left-hand menu in web tables

Linkes Menü der Webtabellen

By clicking ‘Save’, you can save the data you have entered at any time. To prevent data loss due to interruptions in internet connectivity or from closing the browser, your work will be saved automatically at regular intervals.

‘Export (CSV)’ enables you to export the content of the report in CSV format. There are different options for doing so. Using the CAS survey as an example:


By making no selection at all under ‘Select components’, you can export a blank report of all items in CSV format.


You can answer the ‘Questions on your company’, make your selection under ‘Select components’, and then export a blank report containing the items for the selected tables in CSV format (recommended).


If you have created your report manually or uploaded it in XML format, for example, you can then download it again in CSV format.

Under ‘Information’, you can find information on the survey and the notes on the survey content.

‘Help’ opens the page with a guide to eSurvey.

By clicking ‘Close’, you can leave the web tables.

7.6.3. Navigation and table functions

A navigation bar above the web tables takes you through the entire report process. It differs depending on the survey, but all surveys have the items ‘Complete tables’ and ‘Complete reporting’.

Other menu items are survey-specific, for example ‘Questions on your company’ and ‘Select components’ in the case of the CAS survey.

There may be an initial set of questions, some of which are mandatory.

Further survey-specific information is available in the notes for the respective survey.

Fig. 18: Web tables, navigation for reporting using CAS as an example

Webtabellen, Navigation bei der Meldungserstellung beim Beispiel CAS Complete tables

Under ‘Complete tables’, you will find the survey content broken down into the various tables. You can find information on how to enter data manually under 7.7.1. Manual input into web tables. Copy tables into Excel

By selecting the function ‘Copy table to clipboard’, a web table can be copied and saved to the clipboard. The clipboard content can then be pasted into a worksheet in Excel, for example. If the report is created in Excel, the form range can be selected, copied and pasted into the web table.

Fig. 19: Copying tables to the clipboard

Tabelle in die Zwischenablage kopieren

A table can be forwarded by copying its URL and sending it to the appropriate person. They will then have access to the same view of the table, provided they also have an eSurvey account and responsibility for the same survey. Display additional information

The web tables have functions to help you create your report. This ‘Additional information’ can be shown/hidden on the right of the window. Details

By selecting an item or a table heading in the table, you will see the corresponding key, data type and description of the content. Text sections in the tables or info symbols may have hyperlinks to the appropriate part of the notes.

Fig. 20: Additional information – Details

Erweiterte Informationen – Details Checks

If you select the tab ‘Checks’ under ‘Additional information’, the data in the web tables will be checked for consistency. The results are displayed per table. If data in a table are changed, the check must be repeated.

If you select a check in the list of check results, the items in the table that were identified as errors in the check will be shown in colour and the item in question activated. Checked items that also include observations are shown in the details on the check with a link to the corresponding item (cf. fig. 21: Additional information – Checks).

The check results are displayed in compact form. Items that never have a value in the report are not listed in the check results.

The check results can also be exported.

Deep links can also be used for communicating the check results (cf. Forwarding tables with deep links). If you open a table using a deep link, the checks have to be repeated.

Fig. 21: Additional information – Checks

Erweiterte Informationen – Prüfungen Complete reporting

You can submit the report under ‘Complete reporting/Check and submit’. Before the report is transmitted, a consistency check is carried out and any errors and warnings displayed. The procedure for submitting reports is described under 7.7.4. Completing and submitting the report.

7.7. Workflow

The workflow for web tables differs depending on whether you enter the data in the web tables manually or use a CSV or XML file. The following description is based on the CAS survey and includes the use of survey-specific menu items (cf. also 7.6.3. Navigation and table functions).

7.7.1. Manual input into web tables

Once you have selected a report, click on ‘Test report’ under ‘Actions’ and start with a blank report or carry on working on an already saved report.


In the case of a newly opened report, work through the navigation bar at the top from left to right. Answer the questions in the table ‘Questions on your company’ first. Click on ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner.


Under ‘Select components’, define the appropriate content by selecting all the components that apply to you. Click on ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner. The first selected table will be displayed.


Work through all the forms under ‘Complete tables’.

Fig. 22: Selection of tables

Auswahl der Tabellen


You can show additional information on each table. Under the ‘Checks’ tab, you can see whether there are errors or warnings in the table you are working on. Correct them and repeat the tests before moving on to the next table.


When you click on ‘Complete reporting/Submit’, your entire report will be checked again. You can correct any errors or warnings in the relevant tables and then resubmit the report.


Send the report. You will be notified by email when processing has been completed. With the ‘Understanding and testing surveys’ function, reports are not submitted and you will also not receive an email.

7.7.2. Using CSV with web tables

If you would like to use the CSV file format for your report, start by downloading the survey in this format. You can either download the survey in full or tailor it to your requirements first and then download.

A guide on creating a CSV report can be found under ‘Guides, tutorials’. Exporting the full, blank survey in CSV format

Select the survey you want to work on (e.g. CAS) under ‘Understanding and testing surveys’ and go to ‘Actions’. Under ‘Specifications’, you can download the template in CSV format. You will receive a file with all the keys for this survey.

Fig. 23: Download a blank, full CSV template

Leere, vollständige CSV-Vorlage herunterladen Exporting the blank CSV file after adapting the survey content


In the case of a newly opened report, work through the navigation bar at the top from left to right. Answer the questions in the table ‘Questions on your company’ first. Click on ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner.


Under ‘Select components’, define the appropriate content by selecting all the components that apply to you. Click on ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner. The first selected table will be displayed.


Export the file in CSV format. You will only receive the keys for the survey content you have selected under ‘Select components’.

Before using the CSV template for the first time, it is recommended that you first select the components in the web table for the survey content and then download the CSV file. This will make it easier to understand the data structure.

Fig. 24: Download the blank CSV export after adapting the survey content

Leere CSV-Datei nach Anpassung des Erhebungsinhaltes herunterladen

Once you have downloaded the file, close the web tables by clicking on ‘Close’. Editing the CSV file


The figures in a CSV report must be in Swiss format ([decimal separator: point], [optional: thousands separator: inverted comma, e.g.: 10'000'000.00]). If you normally use a different format, when you open the CSV format in Excel, you must ensure under the advanced options that the decimal separator is set as a point and the thousands separator as an inverted comma.

Fig. 25: Setting the Swiss number format for editing the CSV file

Einstellen des Schweizer Zahlenformats für die Bearbeitung der CSV-Vorlage


To make editing easier, you can adjust the column widths in the CSV file once you have opened it in Excel so that you can see the whole sheet. You can get a better overview by setting up a filter.


If you notice when completing the report that you are missing items in the CSV file, upload the already completed CSV file (cf. Uploading the CSV file to the web tables), fill out the additionally required tables under ‘Select components’ and then re-export the CSV file. If you have not yet started inputting your data, go back to the step described in Exporting the blank CSV file after adapting the survey content.


If you have downloaded the entire CSV file without any prior changes, answer the mandatory questions first. If you then upload the file, all tables will be displayed. Uploading the CSV file to the web tables


Select the survey you want to work on (e.g. CAS) in the left navigation bar under ‘Understanding and testing surveys’ and click on ‘Actions’ and ‘Test report’. Start with ‘Use your own XML or CSV file’.


Upload your CSV file. The content will now be uploaded to the web tables. You can view your data in the tables, edit it further or go straight to ‘Complete reporting’. When you click on ‘Submit’, your report will be checked and any errors and warnings displayed.


If the structure of your CSV file has been changed, you will get an error message.

Fig. 26: Display when submitting report under ‘Test report’

Anzeige bei Meldung einreichen unter Meldung testen


You can check and correct errors in the individual tables and then repeat the test.


Alternatively, you can download the error report under the test results for your report in the ‘List of surveys’ under ‘Actions’.


We recommend you correct the error in your source data and re-upload the CSV file.

7.7.3. Using XML with web tables Downloading the XML schema

Select the survey you want to work on (e.g. CAS) under ‘Understanding and testing surveys’ and under ‘Actions’ click on ‘Specifications’, where you can download the XML specifications. You will receive an XML schema which describes all the keys for this survey.

Unlike the CSV format, with the XML schema it is not possible to narrow down the survey content before starting. The initial set of questions for adapting the content are also shown in the XML schema. Mandatory questions have to be answered here, too. The information set out under Editing the CSV file, point 3 also applies here. Uploading an XML report to the web tables

To upload an XML report to web tables, use the same process as for a CSV file (cf. Uploading the CSV file to the web tables).

7.7.4. Completing and submitting the report

You can submit the report under ‘Complete reporting/Check and submit’. Before the report is transmitted, a consistency check is carried out and any errors and warnings displayed. Please go to the corresponding tables showing these errors and warnings, and make the necessary corrections. When the correction has been made, click ‘Submit’ again to send the report.

If there are legitimate reasons why the report is being submitted with errors or warnings, or if there are errors or warnings which you cannot resolve, you must add an explanation in the corresponding comments field before sending. If the check shows errors, the submission function will not be activated until an entry is made in the field ‘Comments on errors and warnings’.

After the checks have been completed, the user receives an email showing the processing status.

With the ‘Understanding and testing surveys’ function, reports are not submitted; they are merely checked for consistency. You will therefore also not receive an email.

Fig. 27: Check and submit

Prüfen und einreichen

7.7.5. Exporting test results

Under the menu item ‘Understanding and testing surveys’, you can download the test results in the ‘List of surveys’ by clicking on ‘Actions’.

8. User administration

Reporting institutions can use the user administration function to manage contacts and their access to eSurvey. Administrators set up by executive management manage the reporting institution’s access to eSurvey in the user administration. They create, change or delete contacts, give contacts access rights to eSurvey, and allocate the responsibilities for surveys and for the CRF mailbox.

8.1. Types of account

Different menu items are available to users depending on the type of account.

8.1.1. Executive management accounts

Accounts for executive management are temporary accounts. They are used by executive management or their representatives to designate administrators for eSurvey themselves. A detailed description of how administration accounts are created can be found under 8.2. Creating administration accounts. Reports cannot be submitted using the executive management account.

8.1.2. Administration accounts

Users with administration accounts see the user administration menu item in eSurvey. Administrators can create, edit and delete new contacts. They can make account applications for contacts and, once the SNB has checked and approved the applications, provide the initial login details to these contacts. They also have to specify for each contact the surveys for which they are responsible and whether they manage a CRF mailbox.

Administrators can also assign themselves data provider responsibility for given surveys, but they are not able to change contact details for administration accounts.

The initial login details are sent to new eSurvey administrators by the executive management account holders.

The SNB communicates with administrators and the responsible contacts via the email addresses stored in their contact details. Administrators are therefore advised to keep their contact details up to date.

8.1.3. Standard accounts

Standard accounts are set up and managed by users with administration rights. Standard account holders can use the functions for the CRF mailbox and/or for the surveys allocated to them. Specifically this means they can submit reports for the relevant surveys and send and receive messages in connection with the CRF.

Standard account holders receive information from the SNB by email on the surveys for which they are responsible.

The eSurvey administrators send the initial login details to new standard account users.

8.2. Creating administration accounts

8.2.1. Initial setting up of administration accounts

When a company is required to report data for the first time or no longer has any active administration accounts, executive management will receive a letter inviting them to set up two accounts with administration rights in eSurvey. Once the accounts have been activated, executive management or their representatives are informed by email and asked to forward the initial login details to the new account holders. The executive management account is temporary and will be deleted at a later date.

Fig. 28: Creating administration accounts

Administrationskonten anlegen

8.2.2. Changes to administration accounts

The SNB is responsible for setting up, changing and deleting administration accounts. Existing administrators can submit corresponding applications by email to www.snb.ch, Surveys/Contacts.

8.3. List of contacts

In the user administration, administrators can view a list of all the contacts which the SNB maintains for their company.

Fig. 29: List of contacts


They can create new personal contacts and, if necessary, set up an eSurvey account for them.

Administrators see the following contact types in the ‘List of contacts’:

8.3.1. Administrators

Administrators can create personal contacts, set up and manage eSurvey accounts, and allocate responsibilities. Administrators’ contact details are managed by the SNB.

8.3.2. Personal contacts

Personal contacts are managed by administrators or by the SNB. Non-personal contacts are no longer permitted.

8.4. Managing contacts

8.4.1. Creating contacts

Under ‘Create new contact’ in the ‘List of contacts’ (cf. 8.3. List of contacts) in the user administration function, you have the possibility of creating a new contact. Contacts can be created for companies for which you are responsible as administrator. If you wish to create a new contact at another company, please contact www.snb.ch, Surveys/Contacts. Certain fields in the form are mandatory. If the contact you are creating is to have access to eSurvey, tick the box ‘eSurvey account required’ at the bottom of the form (cf. 8.4.2. Creating and deleting accounts). Click on ‘Save’ to complete the process. After saving the new contact, you must allocate responsibilities for surveys and/or for the CRF mailbox to them (cf. 8.6. Managing responsibilities).

Fig. 30: Contact details and account information

Kontaktdaten und Kontoinformationen

8.4.2. Creating and deleting accounts

If a contact is to be able to submit data or manage the CRF mailbox, they need an account. Tick the ‘eSurvey account required’ box under ‘eSurvey account information’ (cf. fig. 30: Contact details and account information). The SNB will check the application and activate the account. The ‘user ID’ and ‘initial password’ will then be displayed under the account information. Pass these login details on to the new contact.

If a contact no longer requires their account, it can be deleted by unticking the ‘eSurvey account required’ box. All responsibilities for this contact will also be deleted.

8.4.3. Deleting contacts

You can delete contacts which you have previously created. In doing so, all responsibilities will be deleted and the contact’s access will be blocked within six hours.

If you delete contacts, please ensure afterwards that every survey has at least one data provider allocated.

8.5. Roles

8.5.1. Data providers (require an eSurvey account)

Data providers can submit reports via eSurvey for surveys for which they have been allocated responsibility. Individuals who have to provide data require an eSurvey account.

For each survey, at least one contact must be nominated as data provider. Administrators can check this in the ‘List of responsibilities’.

8.5.2. Information providers (do not require an account)

These contacts are responsible if there are questions relating to the content of a given survey. They will be contacted by email or telephone and do not require access to eSurvey.

8.5.3. CRF mailbox managers (require an account)

These contacts can submit documents via the dedicated mailbox and receive information and documents from the SNB.

Cf. also chapter 3 of the Technical instructions on the website SNB COVID-19 refinancing facility (CRF).

8.6. Managing responsibilities

The ‘List of responsibilities’ shows those surveys for which the companies you are responsible for are required to report data, and whether your company has a CRF mailbox. You can see the nominated contacts for each survey and for the CRF mailbox. Each survey should have at least one person responsible.

Fig. 31: List of responsibilities

Übersicht der Zuständigkeiten

By clicking on the ‘Responsibilities’ button for a selected contact in the ‘List of contacts’ you can access the ‘Manage responsibilities’ editor.

Under ‘Manage responsibilities’, you can set the responsibility for surveys as data provider or as information provider for the selected contact. If a bank is participating in the CRF, the rights for the CRF mailbox are assigned here in the same way.

Fig. 32: Manage responsibilities

Zuständigkeiten verwalten

9. CRF mailbox

The CRF mailbox in eSurvey is used for exchanging data and messages in connection with the SNB COVID-19 refinancing facility (CRF). The ‘forms for submitting collateral and drawing on loan’ and the sample documents you are asked to provide must be submitted via eSurvey. In addition, error messages and confirmation notifications from the SNB are sent via the CRF mailbox in eSurvey.

Data on eSurvey can only be accessed by individuals who have been specifically authorised by the eSurvey administrator at your company, i.e. the latter is responsible for managing access rights to eSurvey and to the CRF mailbox.

9.1. Creating a new message

9.1.1. CRF standard process

The ‘forms for submitting collateral and drawing on loan’ are delivered by clicking ‘Create new message’, selecting the topic ‘CRF standard process’ in the dropdown menu, and clicking on the relevant form.

9.1.2. CRF samples

Required sample documents are submitted to the SNB via file upload in the CRF mailbox. Click on ‘Create new message’ and in the input mask click on ‘CRF samples’ in the dropdown menu and choose the relevant files under ‘Select documents’.

9.2. Receiving messages

Messages from the SNB such as confirmation notifications and error messages relating to submitted reports and documents are sent via the CRF mailbox. The company is also notified by email. The email confirmation is sent, without the stocks notification attached, to the original sender and the persons specified in the ‘form for submitting collateral and drawing on loan’. The eSurvey administrator at your company is responsible for maintaining the list of email addresses in the form and for managing access rights to eSurvey and to the CRF mailbox.

10. Guides, Tutorials

  1. eSurvey: Introduction of web tables for the current account survey (video).

  2. Guide: Creating a CSV report (PDF).